Live event painters are professional artists who paint portraits of weddings during the actual event. They bring their canvas and supplies, set up at the celebration, and paint a scene that includes the newlyweds, their guests, the venue, and the décor. The painting is presented to the newlyweds after the big day, giving them a gorgeous keepsake that captures the magic and atmosphere of their wedding.
Couples can visit live event painters' websites to get a sense of their style; then, they are encouraged to meet with the artist to see their work up close and discuss their wedding. They may request certain guests and design details that they want to be included in the painting. On the day of the event, the painter will arrive a few hours early to set up their canvas and begin painting. They will continue to work on the painting throughout the wedding, in full view of guests, adding layers of detail that capture the spirit of the celebration. Depending on the artist's process, the finished product may be ready to take home the following day or within a few weeks as the artist adds the finishing touches. Artists' prices vary, but you can expect to spend at least $1,000 per painting.

Some before and after shots of my work on marketing graphics for Assasin's Creed Revelations.
Marketing of a new game release begins many months before the game is complete. Some of the 3D models are built and some sections of environment art, characters, animations, and gameplay are complete and integrated, but for the most part each department is still in building testing and polishing phases. Despite this reality, game companies have to present finished material to use to market the game. This is done in part by creating a benchmark environment, where one or two artists work full time to create a final map that will be used for marketing and also as a guide for the rest of the art team to follow in terms of quality, level of detail and overall feel of the finished art.
In other cases, a screenshot artist has to quickly polish small sections for a single image to be used as marketing images in print and web publications as well as during press conferences and demo presentations.
Here you will see a video showing my process from work in progress environment to final screenshot image.
I had to fill in the gaps in the environment and lighting, as well as play and pause the characters. I then had to go in a repose the action as many of the animations were still in a very rough phase.
The final work was done in photoshop to add the sepcial effects that were intended, but not yet created and integrated into the game.
Toward the end of this video you will also see some of my environment art on
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Prince Of Persia
Shaun White Skateboard
Shaun White Snowboard wii
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles